On Piccadilly, looking east in the direction of Piccadilly Circus. On the right of the shot is Green Park, famous for not having any flowers. Buckingham Palace is just the other side of the park.
List of cameras:
The webcams come from TfL (Transport for London). They are otherwise known as Jam Cams. They show a short video clip of about 10 seconds duration and update every ten minutes. The videos that you see on your screen will refresh automatically every few seconds. No need to close and reopen the page or refresh.
Sometimes a camera feed isn't available (during maintanance) and you will see the message "Camera in use keeping London moving". In such a case, the feed gets restored later.
The camera positions change from time to time which means the description might not always be relevant to the scene you are viewing. They do tend to have one position that they stick to most of the time.
The webcam feeds provided by TfL are delivered at a resolution of 352x288 pixels. This resolution, while considered low for standard displays, is optimally suited for viewing on smaller screens, such as those of mobile phones, where the video quality appears satisfactory.
For each camera, you can click or tap on the video to expand. Click on a camera name to go to the camera page. Click the # to create a special link that will show that camera, even if it's further down the page.
Link to home page: london-webcam.com. See Tfl traffic status updates
List of cameras: